Better Lives

    For the wellbeing of your body and mind, at work and at home.

    This first pillar is in line with the philosophy “A healthy mind in a healthy body.” With this in mind, Panagora creates moments of sharing by encouraging its employees to engage in a form of physical activity (by organising tournaments or offering preferential rates to join a gym) and participate in cultural activities. Food safety being one of our priorities, we offer healthy food choices at work through menus that were especially created by a dietician. The company also invests in prevention campaigns to sensitise employees to major societal challenges: smoking, stress at work and road safety. 

    Food safety

    As part of our quality and health safety approach, we are committed to: 

    • Satisfy all customer requirements, ISO 22000 as well as legal requirements related to our activity. 

    • Understand and anticipate the needs of our customers through feedback, market research in order to meet their expectations. 

    • Establish codes of conduct with our suppliers and service providers. 

    • Train and sensitize our staff to the brand's standards, as well as the Quality and Food Safety principles so that all employees are involved in this approach. 

    • Reduce the impact of our economic activities on the environment and fight against food waste. 

    • To ensure the safety of our customers, visitors, employees and service providers on our premises. 

    • Regularly review our Quality, Food Safety and Environment policy and objectives as to their adequacy with the legislation and expectations of our customers in order to continuously improve our Integrated Management System. 



    A sustainable future for people and the planet.

    The third pillar of Panagora makes a pledge! is built around three central themes. 


    Nelson Mandela once said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” This is why, in collaboration with the NGO Caritas, we support children from vulnerable families in the pursuit of their education. We provide school supplies, closely follow their results, offer a medical examination and organise discovery activities during their holidays. This project is worth around Rs 700 000 and supports ten children aged 6 to 14, who are given personalised care and supervision each year.

    Food aid

    Food is fundamental to Panagora’s mission. Since 2017, a number of our employees have been preparing and serving hot meals to the shelters Abri de Nuit de Saint Jean and Les Tontons de la Tonnelle. We also support the work of Cuisines Solidaires by regularly donating food items. Finally, we have been engaging in the fight against food waste by offering our logistics services to FoodWise and donating food items to various NGOs, also through FoodWise.


    It is no secret that our planet is facing a host of ecological challenges. To this end, Panagora is committed to sensitising, and more importantly, involving its employees in building a better future. The state of our oceans lies at the heart of our concerns. We have implemented a Plastic Reduction Project to minimise our contribution to this type of pollution.


  • Recette | Gaufres

    Notre pêché mignon du mois: des gaufres croustillantes à l'extérieur et moelleuses à l'intérieur!

  • Spécilaités hivernales

    Recettes | Spécialités hivernales mondiales

    Un tour du monde des saveurs pour se réchauffer cet hiver.

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  • Recette | Ti Puri

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  • Recette | Hot Cross Buns

    Moelleux, sucrés et gourmands! Faites vos Hot Cross Buns pour votre brunch.

  • Ligue sportive_Eclosia

    Ligue Sportive Eclosia | News de nos champions

    C'est reparti pour la ligue. Découvrez les résultats de nos panagoriens pour le tournoi 'Indoor Games' et le billard.

  • Flagpole Indépendance Maurice 2024

    Entretien | L'IA au service de la créativité

    L'équipe communication de Panagora a exprimé sa créativité à l’occasion de l’indépendance en utilisant l'IA.

  • Chef Noël Chelvan | Cuisiner dans notre langue maternelle

    ‘Vokabiler kiliner kreol ek lakwizinn klasik morisien’, c’est le titre du livre du Chef Noël Chelvan sponsorisé par Panagora dont le lancement officiel a eu lieu le 06 mars 2024.

  • Just Mom Things_Menu du petit sportif

    Just Mom Things | Menu du petit sportif

    Après une séance de sport intense, rien de tel que de rentrer à la maison pour un bon repas réconfortant.

  • Recette | Samoussas au Paneer

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  • Recette | Donuts fourrés

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    Just Mom Things | Le finger dinner!

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  • Recette | Nouilles fraîches

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    Panagora participe à la formation aux Normes d'Impact des ODD du UNDP et de Business Mauritius

    UNDP et de Business Mauritius. Cette initiative vise à doter les entreprises des compétences nécessaires pour accélérer la mise en œuvre des ODD à Maurice, favorisant ainsi le développement durable.


    Panagora Engages in UNDP and Business Mauritius' SDG Impact Standards Training

    Panagora's Sustainability Manager, Yovan Jankee, joins UNDP and Business Mauritius' collaborative SDG Impact Standards Training. This initiative aims to equip businesses with the skills to accelerate SDG implementation in Mauritius, fostering sustainable development

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  • Panagora et Foodwise I Unis contre le gaspillage alimentaire !

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  • Recette | Halwa Gréo

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